Prevention of the retained fetal membrane syndrome (retained placenta) during induced calving in dairy cattle

كتاب Prevention of the retained fetal membrane syndrome (retained placenta) during induced calving in dairy cattle

الكاتب: Multiple References

Sixty-six dairy cattle were induced to calve with dexamethasone treatment at 5 d prior to expected time of calving. Each animal was assigned randomly to one of two treatments, saline (2 ml) or PGF2a (10 mg), which were administered within 1 h postpartum. With the saline treatment, 90.5 % of the animals had placental retention, whereas only 8.8 % of the PGF2a-treated animals had placental retention. The PGF2a-treated cows released the fetal membranes in 7.4 t 1.35 h postpartum, whereas the saline-treated cows released the membranes in 98.3 2 10.93 h postpartum. These data demonstrate that treatment with PGF2a within the immediate postpartum period is effective (P

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