Studies on serum progesterone levels in relation to occurrence of uterine torsion in buffaloes ()

Studies on serum progesterone levels in relation to occurrence of uterine torsion in buffaloes ()

الكاتب: Multiple References

Serum samples from 32 buffaloes suffering from uterine torsion at approximately the completion of the gestation period were analyzed for progesterone concentrations by radioimmunoassay. Fifteen buffaloes had progesterone concentrations of more than 1.0 r&ml (1.65 2 0.13 &ml; 1.1 to 2.8 ng/ml), while the serum progesterone concentrations of the remaining 17 buffaloes were below 1.0 ng/ml (599 + 59 pg/ml; 200 to 900 pg/ml). The occurrence of u‘ferine torsion was associated ~tith labour and/or abdominal pain around the expected time of parturition & the completion of the gestation period. High progesterone concentrations at labour in cases of torsion in almost half of the buffaloes may suggest that these were instances of premature labour resulting from an impaired hormonal milieu. Disturbances in the onset of labour owing to hormonal imbalance as evidenced by high progesterone levels may also contribute to the causation of uterine torsion. Cases of uterine torsion having low progesterone values are also discussed in this study.

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