الكاتب: Multiple References
To determine the effect of retained placenta on the characteristics of the intrauterine environment in dairy cows, bacteriological and cytological tests were performed on intrauterine perfusion fluid. The rate of cows with more than 70%neutrophiIs or fewer than 40%lymphocytes in inflammatory cells was 48.0%(12/25), while the rate and with more than 50 bacterial colonies/O.1 ml of perfusate was 96.0% (24125) at 30 d after parturition. Actinomvces pvogenes was isolated from 56.0%(14/25). At 60 d after parturition, however, these values were significantly improved to 20.0%(5/25), 48.0%(12/25) and 12.0%(3/25), respectively. No significant differences in subsequent reproductive performance were observed between cows with and without retained placenta. The results suggest that i nj ury to the intrauterine environment caused by retained placenta is largely healed by 60 d after parturition.
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