Supplementary Feeding of Sheep and Beef Cattle

Supplementary Feeding of Sheep and Beef Cattle

الكاتب: Multiple References

This practical guide is a tool designed for graziers to use in their day-to-day decision-making about livestock nutritional needs, feeding options, condition and health. Pasture supplements are expensive and should not be wasted, yet under-nutrition has an even greater economic effect resulting from low conception and progeny survival rates, poor growth rates, failure to meet market targets and tender fleeces in sheep. Supplementary Feeding of Sheep and Beef Cattle shows how to get the nutritional balance right and avoid costly repercussions from incorrect or inadequate feeding. The key topics covered will be particularly useful in drought situations, but also in seasonal pasture shortages, when the nutrient value of pastures is low. Practical tables and worksheets are provided as key tools, enabling livestock producers to make timely and cost-effective decisions about supplementary feeding.

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