Postpartum oxytocin treatment for prevention of retained placentas

كتاب Postpartum oxytocin treatment for prevention of retained placentas

الكاتب: Multiple References

me dairymen are attempting to reduce the incidence of retained placentas in their herds by routinely injecting oxytocin following parturition. Since there was little or no experimental evidence to support such a practice, a study was designed to test the influence of early postpartum oxytocin injection on the incidence of retained placentas. The study was designed so that every other cow in the University of Illinois dairy herd would receive an intramuscular injection of 100 IU oxytocin within three to six hours following calving. If the animal expelled the membranes before three hours she was placed in the control group. Two hundred cows calved during the one year study. In the 100 cow control group, twelve cows retained their fetal membranes whereas in the 100 cow treated group eight retained the placenta.

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