Teat skin lesions and mastitis

كتاب Teat skin lesions and mastitis

الكاتب: Multiple References

P. G. FRANCIS Central Veterinary Laboratory, New Haw, Weybridge, Surrey KT5 3NB Healthy teat skin is highly desirable for the welfare, comfort and health of the cow, for aesthetic reasons (the production of wholesome milk) and for the health and comfort of those involved with milking. Teat lesions are usually invaded by mastitis pathogens especially Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus dysgalactiae Reservoirs of infection in the vicinity of the teat orifice will have a marked adverse effect on mastitis control measures . Some teat lesions originate from the action of a single bacterial, viral, chemical or physical agent but several of these may be involved by the time a veterinary surgeon is requested to examine a teat . Lesion healing may be assisted more by advice on husbandry changes than by therapy

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