Veterinary Practice Management Secrets

كتاب Veterinary Practice Management Secrets

الكاتب: Multiple References

This textbook is presented in an engaging question-and-answer format that is the hallmark of The Secrets Series . It offers the nuts and bolts necessary to help veterinarians effectively manage a practice, open a new business, lead employees, and focus on clients. Topics covered include marketing, staffing, regulatory matters, computerization, and customer service. The authors have based their careers on counseling veterinary practice owners, and they have visited over 2000 such establishments.

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لا تنسى تحميل تطبيقاتنا

  • - تحميل الكتب إلي هاتفك وقرائتها دون الحاجة إلي الإنترنت
  • - تصفح وقراءة الكتب والروايات أون لاين
  • - متعة الإحساس بقراءة الكتب الورقية
  • - التطبيق مقدم مجاني من مكتبة الكتب

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