الكاتب: Multiple References
This paper deals with the mode of action of "Antrycide "* on trypanosomes in vitro and in the living animal. Although the particular virtue of antrycide is its activity against T. congolense, in the experiments reported here a strain of T. equiperduni which has been maintained in this laboratory for routine drug standardization was used. This strain has the advantages that it produces a constant acute infection with high blood parasite counts in rats and mice, that it is fatal for untreated animals within a period that can be predicted according to the degree of infection, and that it survives in vitro. Although Curd and Davey (1950) showed that there are large quantitative differences in the susceptibility of species of trypanosomes to antrycide there is no reason to suppose that any qualitative differences exist except between the susceptible strains and T. cruzi which they found insusceptible to antrycide. In this paper, when the species of trypanosome is not mentioned T. equiperdum was used. Where it was necessary to make sure that any particular finding was not an individual strain characteristic, strains of T. rhodesiense and T. congolense were used. I should like to thank Messrs. Imperial Chemical (Pharmaceuticals), Ltd., for a gift of antrycide methylsulphate; this salt has been used throughout, except where otherwise stated. How the resistant strain of T. equiperdum used in these experiments was formed will be described in a later publication.
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